Stanislas Péronnet

Stanislas Péronnet

Premium Beauty News - Surely the Group’s environmental awareness doesn’t date back to 2007?

Stanislas Péronnet - It does not indeed! Cosfibel’s industrial pole, made up of three entities - Grumbe in Spain, Roskoplast and Tepor in France - has been environmentally committed for years in terms of waste management, cutting down on consumption of all kinds, and, of course, in the very conception of the products we create.

In this domain, Roskoplast is a model; we can even go so far as to speak of a “pilot plant”. (See article: Sustainability: bigger than nature results at Roskoplast)

But the environment does not only impact the industrial branch. Our trading activity (Mandalay and Primapack) is concerned too. Initially, our approach was to implement strict social regulations in order to insure that our 90 active partners work within social regulations and are respectful of the security of the men and women who work for them. In 20 months no fewer than 120 audits were put into place. This resulted in the elimination of 5% of our suppliers and meant that we had to choose our new partners carefully.

Premium Beauty News - And what about the products’ conception?

Stanislas Péronnet - Absolutely, and there are numerous examples. The most recent was the Roskoplast team’s eco-conceived box, which won the support of Innovalis and the regional council of Aquitaine. Thanks to a clever reinforcement, the box allows us to save around 40% in plastic materials.

Another item, the Ultralight Box, is also worth mentioning. It is amazingly lightweight while retaining its thickness, and presents a positive “sustainable balance” sheet.

Premium Beauty News - So does this strategy follow the evolving legislation in terms of sustainability?

Stanislas Péronnet - It’s both indispensable and compulsory. Cosfibel had a carbon audit on all of its activities, which will be released at the end of this year. The specific indicators and related objectives will be established for 2010.

We are also committed to AFAQ 1000 NR certification and evaluation.

Ultralight Box by Cosfibel

Ultralight Box by Cosfibel