The Senate of the Philippines has approved a bill aiming at broadening powers of the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD). The agency will be given authority over cosmetics and devices. Its name will be subsequently converted into the Food, Drugs, Cosmetics and Devices Administration (FDCDA).

The new agency will have the power to order the ban, recall or withdrawal of food and all health products, including drugs, cosmetics and devices failing to comply with safety standards. The FDCDA will also have the authority to conduct spot checks on establishments for compliance, issue cease-and-desist orders and seize non-conform products.

As the new agency will need an increased budget, the FDCDA will be allowed to retain all fees, fines, royalties and other charges it collects without requiring prior approval from the government.

The Senate and the House of Representatives have adopted the related bills [1] and a final bicameral version is expected for approval and signature into law before the end of the year.

Click on the image to read the corresponding texts:

- Senate Bill No. 2645

Senate Bill No. 2645

- House Bill No. 3293

House Bill No. 3293